Jesus said,
"Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
(Birth to 3-years-old)
Sunday mornings
Learning of God’s amazing and unconditional love for us begins right from the start. We believe in creating a safe, loving environment where our youngest friends can begin to experience what it is to be embraced by God’s love and the nursery is a great place to start learning this foundational truth.
Each of our volunteers is screened through an application process and background check. Our nurseries are open during each indoor worship service. You may register and “check-in” at the nursery counter in the Lower Level.
If you are interested in volunteering in the nursery (we can always use extra help and it is only a 4-hour a year commitment), please contact Lisa Udell.
Each of our volunteers is screened through an application process and background check. Our nurseries are open during each indoor worship service. You may register and “check-in” at the nursery counter in the Lower Level.
If you are interested in volunteering in the nursery (we can always use extra help and it is only a 4-hour a year commitment), please contact Lisa Udell.

Children's Worship
(4-years-old to 1st grade)
Sunday mornings (September-May)
during first service in the Lower Level
This reverent, experiential approach to worship helps young children go beyond just learning about God and the Bible. In uniquely equipped Worship Centers, leaders guide children in age-appropriate worship that includes praise songs, storytelling, learning the church calendar and personal response to the story told.
Kingdom Kids
4s-6th grade
During worship (start in Sanctuary with families)
3rd Sundays kids also return to service after the sermon for Communion
During the worship service on Sunday mornings, children are taught Bible lessons through creative, fun and age-appropriate curriculum. Following a large group lesson and worship, we practice the intentional shepherding of your children through breaking up into small groups to respond to the mornings’ lesson and where each child is cared for by an adult leader.

Special needs
All school ages | Sunday mornings
In our Special Needs ministry we seek to create a safe, loving and enjoyable environment that meets the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of each child. Special Needs care is individualized and arranged as needed. If you have a child with special needs, please contact Lisa Udell so that we can discuss the best way to minister to your child’s needs.
(4th-6th grade)
Every Tuesday evening | 6:30-8pm | Includes dinner
The “tween” years are a wonderful yet confusing time for kids. Our Trailblazer ministry seeks to build relationships with kids during this in between time. We encourage them to put their faith into action as they explore how to “Leave Your Mark” on our world in our relationships, community and world. Did we mention that they have a ton of fun too?

Safety Policy
We take the safety of the children entrusted to us very seriously. In fact, this is something we believe we need to be 100% right on all the time. Therefore, we have policies in place to help make this a safe place physically, emotionally and spiritually for your child. Each of our volunteers has filled out an application and voluntarily submitted themselves to a criminal background check.
Fire/Emergency Procedures
We practice fire drills for our lower level classrooms twice a year. In the event of a real emergency, please note our procedure below:
Fire/Emergency Procedures
We practice fire drills for our lower level classrooms twice a year. In the event of a real emergency, please note our procedure below:
- Stay calm.
- Parents do not go downstairs to your child(ren). Children are being evacuated. No help is needed – parents coming downstairs will only add confusion. In an actual evacuation, you would meet your child(ren) at Cascade Fellowship CRC (southeast of Thornapple on Cascade Road).
- The Safety and Security Team is helping to evacuate the lower level, especially the nurseries. Adult leaders are all familiar with how to evacuate children from the church and will be leading everyone from the lower level to safety.
- Ushers will assist in evacuation of the upper level, especially the elderly and those in wheelchairs/with walkers.